Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures (CALC): Asian Fest 2020
亞洲語言文化中心:亞洲節2020 (18-20/11/2020)
The Asian Fest was co-organized by the Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures (CALC), Department of Social Science and The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) from 18 to 20 November 2020 with the aim to promote Asian culture, traditional and heritage by introducing sharing session and workshops for various types of rituals, riddles, tailor art and festive craft. The first day of the event was kicked off by a Sharing Session on Thai Culture. The second day was unleashed with the Lion’s Dance which was the highlight of the Asian Fest. We were honoured to have Professor Tam Kwok Kan, Dean of SHSS, to awaken the lion by dotting its eyes which traditionally meant to provide protection, good luck, health and prosperity to everyone present. The lion’s dance was followed by 3 interesting and meaningful workshops, namely “Solving Riddles of the Wall Villagers”, “Tying the Traditional Chinese Button Knot” and “Making the Traditional Chinese Flower Banner, which gave the students a chance to understand Chinese cultural heritage such as ritual of events, tradition of the wall villagers and the development of traditional clothing and workmanship. Last but not least the Asian Fest was wrapped up by an educational book talk for the new book release of “Learning Japanese 88 Key words in 3 Days” by Mr. Chan Chau, Associate Director of CALC.
亞洲語言文化中心(CALC),社會科學系和長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)於2020年11月18日至20日於恒大聯合舉辦「亞洲節2020」。活動旨在透過介紹各種講座、分享會、手工藝工作坊以推廣亞洲文化及遺產。活動的第一天以泰國文化專題講座「泰度人生」揭開序幕。第二天的舞獅開幕禮更是整個亞洲節的亮點,我們很榮幸邀請人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授主持點睛儀式,以祝願各位來賓身體健康、一切順利。在舞獅之後,接著進行了三個富有趣味的工作坊,分別為「圍頭話猜謎語」、「花鈕工作坊」以及「花牌工作坊」,使一眾師生有機會了解中國的非物質文化遺產。活動最後一日,由亞洲語言文化中心副主任陳洲先生為其著作「3天學完日本語N試88個合格關鍵技巧」 舉辦新書分享會,講述其日語學習心得。