Belt and Road Series – The Thai Talk
一帶一路專題講座 — 嫁到這曼谷的邊端:旅居泰國的苦與樂

Henry YIU
Instructor, CALC


Guest speaker:
Famous Taiwanese YouTuber 


Date and Time:
15:00 – 17:00, 13 Dec 2021

Good news for Thailand lovers! We are very honoured to have invited Elie, a famous Taiwanese YouTuber currently residing in Bangkok, to share with us her impressive encounters across the territory upon her marriage to a local Thai man. Have you ever wondered how family life in the smiling country is like? If you want to know how Elie overcame the language barrier and different cultural shocks, or learn about the education and/or employment opportunities and challenges in Thailand, then you should never miss this seminar!


Elie is a famous Taiwanese YouTuber who shares travelling tips and Thai specialities in her own channel. She is currently residing in Bangkok with her husband.


喜歡去泰國旅遊的你可曾想過旅居當地的生活是如何呢?這次有幸邀請到嫁去泰國的人妻Youtuber Elie來分享一下住在曼谷的特殊經歷。到底嫁入泰國家庭的生活是怎樣的?要怎樣克服語言障礙?日常生活又遇過那些文化差異?升學就業又有哪些機會和挑戰呢?想知道關於移居泰國的詳情,就千萬不要錯過這個講座!


Elie 是嫁到泰國的台灣人妻,現在隨丈夫長居曼谷,並經營自己的Youtuber頻道,分享泰國旅遊攻略和特式美食。