Belt and Road Series – The Thai Talk
一帶一路專題講座 — 從 Not Me 剖看微笑之國鮮為人知的社會面貌

Henry YIU
Instructor, CALC


Guest speaker:
Member of KongjiProduction (登製港字字幕組)


Date and Time:
15:00 – 17:00, 6 Dec 2022

In recent years, Thai drama series have swept the world by storm.  Unlike conventional BL series that revolves around pure teenage romance, the recent series ‘Not Me’, featuring suspenseful plots, revolutionary movements and social issues, is considered a daring breakthrough in Thailand for its overt references to domestic politics and people’s livelihood in many scenes. For those who would like to know how the heated series presents the unknown side of Thailand, including the democratic progress in history and various interesting facts of the country, this seminar is guaranteed not to fail you!


近年泰劇熱潮席捲全球,最近才熱播完的 BL 劇 Not Me (他不是我) 更打破校園純愛劇情套路,首度融入懸疑、改革和社會議題。想知道箇中細節如何反映泰國政治民生現況?不妨參加是次講座,一起與特別嘉賓暢談泰國鮮為人知的趣聞軼事吧!