Asian Cultural Week 2022 – The Thai Talk
亞洲文化夏日盛典 — 誰家 BL 搶着看:細數近年紅爆亞洲各地腐劇文化

Henry YIU
Instructor, CALC


Guest speaker:
The Fu Court (


Date and Time:
15:00 – 17:00, 4 Jul 2022

BL drama series have gone viral across the globe. Recently in many different countries and regions, there are always traces of popular publications and broadcasts that conquers the heart of international shippers. Featuring a couple of prevailing BL drama series of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and the United Kingdom, the Talk gives a detailed analysis on the success of these highly-rated series and compare them for similarities and differences. Those who are interested in the BL stories and culture should not miss it!  


BL 劇熱潮勢不可擋,近年各地更百花齊放,紛紛推出爆紅腐劇作品。是次講座將會帶大家探索數齣廣受追捧的 BL 劇,比對日韓台泰英等地劇目嘅同異。想了解更多關於 BL 文化?不妨來聽聽特別嘉賓的分享吧!