Mr CHAN Chau

“Hello, my name is Chan Chau and I am the Associate Director of CALC. I have lived in Japan for over ten years. I am often referred as ‘sensei’ (meaning teacher in Japanese) by my colleagues and students as I teach Japanese in HSUHK. I have a son called ‘Shin chan’ and a cat ‘Shiro’; perhaps some of you have realised that both names are from a very famous Japanese cartoon called ‘Kureyon Shin-chan’. If you are interested in Japan or anything related such as the language, literature or even manga, we can always have a chat over a cup of tea!”
- 2020Book陳洲, “《日本語能力試驗精讀本:3天學完N5 88個合格關鍵技巧》”, 萬里機構
- 2020Book陳洲, “《日本語能力試驗精讀本:3天學完N4 88個合格關鍵技巧》”, 萬里機構
- 2018BookChan Chau, “E-book “Japanese 101″”, - 2017Translated WorksTohoku Tourism Promotion Organization, “
《Tohoku-Japan Promotion 2017》”, Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization - 2016Book天合環球有限公司, “”日本酒” (第一版-第五版)”
- 2016Translated WorksTohoku Tourism Promotion Organization, “《Tohoku-Japan Promotion 2016》”,
Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization - 2016Translated Works田豐中港客運会社, “《田豐中港客運会社案内》”, 田豐中港客運会社
- 2016Translated Works金記レストラン, “《金記レストランのメニュー》”, 金記レストラン
- 2015Translated WorksTohoku Tourism Promotion Organization, “《Welcome to Tohoku 2015》”,
Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization - 2014Composition陳洲, “成吉思汗=羊肉?”, 恒管語絲
- 2014Translated WorksCompany of Kado, “《Kado Service Marketing: C1000》”, Company of Kado
- 2013Translated Works東北活性化研究中心, “《東北・新潟特產精選 日本天與海珍饈八十八》”, 東北活性化研究中心
- 2012Translated Works東麗集團(TORAY)東麗尖端薄膜公司, “《BOC-750運作使用説明書》”, 東麗集團(TORAY)東麗尖端薄膜公司
- 2011Journal Article陳洲, “『三言』の「怪異」について:その特色・研究史・研究方法を中心に”,
『現代與文化:日本福祉大學研究紀要』(124),pp113-126,日本福祉大學 - 2011Translated Works東麗集團(TORAY)東麗尖端薄膜公司, “《東麗集團台灣高雄分社用工業技術及管理守則使用説明書》”,
東麗集團(TORAY)東麗尖端薄膜公司 - 2008Conference Paper陳洲, “『俳諧類船集』から見た和漢の鬼神観 ―謡曲と『聊斎志異』を中心に、「鬼」と「雨の夜」について”,
『和漢比較文學研究會論文集』, pp1-29,台灣大學日本語文學系 - 2008Translated Works古川町商工会国土交通省, “《觀光ルネサンス事業-飛騨市觀光PR 2008》”, 古川町商工会国土交通省
- 2008Translated Works加藤國安, “開拓中國文學新時代的青木正兒及其與胡適的交流―二人往来的書簡及名古屋大學附屬圖書館所藏「青木文庫」”,
《陝西師範大學・名古屋大學國際學術會議―中日文化交流的歴史記憶及其展望》,p119-143,陝西師範大學出版社 - 2008Translated Works加藤國安, “正岡子規『詩眼之徹底』――以自筆寫本・金州經驗・所藏漢籍為中心」”,
《人文學研究方法的現狀和展望――以現地調査為中心》,p304-312,名古屋大學大學院文學研究科 - 2007Book Chapter陳洲, “王國維,元曲・瀟湘雨,劉知遠諸宮調”,
『「遊心」の祝福-中国文学者・青木正兒の世界-』pp15,76,78,名古屋大學附屬圖書館 - 2007Translated Works古川町商工会国土交通省, “《觀光ルネサンス事業-飛騨市觀光PR 2007》”, 古川町商工会国土交通省
- 2007Translated Works加藤國安, “名古屋大學附屬圖書館所藏之青木正兒文庫與中國”, 《陝西師範大學・名古屋大學國際學術會議》,
- 2011 Authorized as an official medical interpreter of Aichi Prefecture
- 2008 Master (Chinese Literature) from the Nagoya University
- 2006 Bachelor (Japanese Literature) from the Aichi Prefectural University
- 2002 JLPT (日本語能力試験) Level One
Media Coverage
- As a guest speaker for the RTHK radio program “喜慶在心頭 Joy in my Heart”, I try to share both classical and contemporary Japanese cultures to listeners. - As a guest speaker for the TV program “Joyous Alliance – Fun Facts About History 快樂童盟- 盞鬼教史” of ViuTV, I tried to teach classical Japanese history to Hong Kong students.
Other Experiences
As a tour leader, led students and persons concerned the mass media to Miyazaki of Japan from 5-1-2020 to 12-1-2020. As it was a very fruitful, meaningful and unique trip, it attracted many interviews from local mass medias.
- 星島日報《李韡玲與恒大學生——宮崎文化考察之旅》:副刊-亞洲-李韡玲與恒大學生-宮崎文化考察之旅 - 經濟日報《文化的橋樑》:文化的橋樑 - Go!Japan《【旅遊攻略】跟住同學去宮崎一-戰國豪族要塞/》:【旅遊攻略】跟住同學去宮崎一-戰國豪族要塞/ - ツーリズム高千穂郷だよ: