Originated from India, Krathong (a floating lantern), was introduced to Thailand as an offering in prayers through Buddhism. It has later become an important part of Thai culture – the Loy Krathong Festival, which usually falls in around November every year. The CALC is very honoured to have invited the Thai Cultural Association of Hong Kong (TCAHK) to organise a krathong making workshop for students to make an exquisite Thai-styled krathong of their own for the long-established Thai traditional festival.
水燈源於印度,後經佛教傳入泰國,作祭祀祈福之用, 並成為泰國文化重要的一環。本月適逢水燈佳節,CALC 有幸邀請到泰國文化協會 (TCA) 合辦製作水燈工作坊, 讓同學體驗泰式風情,親身製作精美專屬的水燈。